$150.00 USD


Virtual skincare consults are non-refundable. This consultation is not intended to diagnose, treat or replace any dermalogica medical advice. If you engage in this content and implement any changes you do so with the understanding that Alli Cook on behalf of Nutrition by Robyn, LLC do not dispense medical advice nor prescribe treatment.

No show policy. I understand that I must cancel or reschedule any appointment at least 24 hours in advance in order to avoid a potential no-show charge to the credit card provided. I agree that a meeting no-show will incur a forfeit of time and will not be rescheduled.



Alli Cook is not a physician or dermatologist, and the scope of her consultation services does not include treatment or diagnosis of specific illnesses or disorders. If I, the client, suspect I may have an ailment or illness that may require medical attention, then it is my responsibility to consult with a licensed physician or dermatologist immediately. Only a licensed physician can prescribe medications or prescription topicals. 


I acknowledge that I understand that Alli Cook is a Licensed Aesthetician and not a physician or dermatologist, and that I should see a doctor if I think I have a medical condition.  Alli Cook will not be held liable for failure to diagnose or treat an illness, nor will she be liable for failure to prevent future illness.




This Agreement is made and entered into on purchase date (“Start Date”) between Nutrition by Robyn, LLC, (“Hereinafter referred to as “Company”) and purchaser, (Hereinafter referred to as “Member.”) 


Company and Member hereby voluntarily and willingly agree as follows:  For good and valuable consideration of one hundred fifty ($150.00) dollars. Member has agreed to purchase Nutrition by Robyn Virtual Skincare Consultation (hereinafter “Consult”). In exchange, Company agrees to provide the services outlined in the Consult Details below, and Consult Outline attached hereto. Member understands and agrees that Company will utilize suitable methodologies in accordance with Member’s needs, and in accordance with her/her training.


1. Consult Details  Single session virtual appointment followed by a summary of recommendations. 


Payment  a. Member agrees to render payment via Credit Card, HSA, FSA, ACH and understands that the full purchase amount is due and payable upfront and is non-refundable.

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Skin Consult

Skincare Product Audit + Customized Routine

Ask Alli, Licensed Aesthetician

A personalized consult can help you:

  • Clarify & clean up your topical routine
  • Vet your current products Identify your skin type & discuss factors influencing skin health
  • Feel confident that you’re using the right products (in the right order) for you
  • Understand if you need any extra things beyond the foundational recommendations
  • Map out at home treatments that level up your regular skincare routine
  • Get personalized topical recommendations FOR YOU

What People Are Saying:

Alli had closely read my intake form and came ready with recommendations. She very closely addressed my primary concern—balancing sensitive skin with acne. Alli's time was worth every penny!

The most helpful part of this consult was reviewing my current skincare routine and having a new personalized routine sent to me. I’ve been kind of doing guess work so someone who can review the ingredients for me and let me know what is helpful or not is really great.

I loved that Alli took the time to look into the products that I was currently using instead of just recommending new products to me. She was able to provide strong feedback about my current skin routine by doing this and I really appreciated that.

Alli is great! She’s very knowledgeable and provided good recommendations for products that were in my budget. I’m very excited to start my new routine and look forward to some wins!